Heartsense Healing™

Heartsense Healing™ is a vibrational frequency that infuses our body, heart, mind and soul with the energy of the Highest Love, Light, Truth and, Divine Grace.

This frequency is infused into all of my offerings and holds the space within this Highest Love, Light, Truth and, Divine Grace.

This creates a blanket of safety around the space, so that you know how deeply held and supported you as you travel to the depths of your soul.

Heartsense Healing™ informs our consciousness that we do not need relive any past trauma’s. The understanding is that we have already lived (and often relived these trauma’s again and again in our daily life) that we do not have to re-traumatized by having to relive this a final time in the name of healing.

There is a new way of healing and that with the guidance of your Soul’s Light, support by your family of Love, you get to heal in the most profound and deeply gentle way.

We as human beings, are familiar with the 3rd dimensional frequency of the 5 senses -taste, touch, see, hear and smell. More and more of us are now connected into the 4th dimensional frequency of the 6th sense, being our Intuitive sense, through the 3rd Eye or Ajna.

The 5th dimensional frequency and the 7th wonder of the world is found through the 7th sense that is connected into the galactic gateway of the Heart, being the heart-sense.